The insights from Readability Matters expanded our thinking about reading performance and the ways that Adobe may be able to contribute to better reading outcomes for people of all ages and abilities.

Rick Treitman, Entrepreneur in Residence, Adobe

The team at Readability Matters continues to challenge our thinking and expand our research agenda. We look forward to improved reading productivity for all!

Rick Treitman, Entrepreneur in Residence, Adobe

Readability Matters has served as the catalyst to bring together multiple groups of advocates, researchers, and professionals to help spur new research into the idea that every person, no matter their prior ability, can improve their reading ability with their optimal typeface. As a researcher, I am privileged to be working with such a group.

Dr. Shaun Wallace, Assistant Professor, University of Rhode Island

As a researcher, I am excited to explore the benefits of personalized reading formats for children. Readability Features may be an important new tool for educators in the area of individualized instruction.

Carol Connor, PhD, Chancellors Professor, School of Education, University of California, Irvine

ReadWorks is excited to team with Readability Matters and researchers exploring Readability impacts. We have a collective goal of improving outcomes for all learners.

Susanne Nobles, PhD, Chief Academic Officer, ReadWorks

The Readability Matters team has brought invaluable insights to help guide our research directions towards impactful findings on optimal reading formats. We look forward to continuing to learn from each other.

Dr. Zoya Bylinskii, Research Scientist, Adobe

Research-driven approaches to improving outcomes for all learners are vital. We consistently look to highlight products and companies like Readability Matters that embrace research in their product development and improvement.

Karen Cator, President and CEO, Digital Promise

Advocates like Readability Matters are key in our era of information overload. LabX is excited to be working side by side with them to prove out technologies that enhance reading instantly.

Dr. Ben D. Sawyer, Professor of Industrial Engineering & Neuroscientist, University of Central Florida

Readability Matters is engaging in vital work that will help enhance reading for everyone. I am excited to partner with them on cutting-edge research that will help improve our understanding of how readability features affect reading comprehension processes in the brain.

Dr. Shannon M. Sheppard, PhD, CCC-SLP, Chapman University

Personalizing a reading experience can help readers engage deeply and thoughtfully with digital texts. That’s why I partner with Readability Matters to support readers in finding reading solutions that work for them.

Jenae Cohn, PhD, Executive Director, Center for Teaching and Learning, University of California, Berkeley