To make personalized reading formats a reality, we must work across sectors bringing together educators, publishers, technologists, policymakers, and researchers to create a shared vision for the future of reading. Together, we can build a world where everyone has the opportunity to be the best reader they can be.
Readability Matters ignites research to improve implementation recommendations. New infrastructure is necessary to support the scalability of individual reading formats for implementation in education, business, and beyond. Policies, systems, and thinking must change to drive the use of personalized reading formats to the mainstream. Cross-sector teams must create standards and systems to ensure consistent delivery.

Strategy 1
Engage independent researchers to expand understanding of Readability Feature impacts. Develop data-driven implementation recommendations.
Strategy 2
Increase availability through tech and publishing companies adding Readability Features and reader profiles to their platforms. Sponsor supporting tool development.
Strategy 3
Drive the use of personalized reading to the mainstream. New standards are required. Policies, systems, and thinking must change.
Readability Matters’ Expected Outcomes
Our ultimate goals are to deliver:
increased engagement and success for student learners
efficiency and productivity for knowledge workers