Implementing Personalized Reading
Readability Features required to tune text are a critical offering. However, they are only a piece of a much larger ecosystem required to support individual reading formats. Readability Matters envisions a multi-step path toward enabling personalized reading formats for all readers.
First, Optimize Readability for the Individual
Readability Matters challenges tech and publishing companies to make Readability Features available for all readers. Today, many reading apps offer users the capability to change text size. Some offer the ability to change the base font, line spacing, and background color. Very few offer the broader set of Readability Features.
Additionally, content providers and publishers must provide access to flowable tagged text with consideration for Digital Rights Management.
Then, Use Standards to Enable Interoperability
As reading platforms add features and profile capabilities, there will be a need for cross-company standards.
Readability Matters imagines a world where each individual consumes and creates text in their personal best format. As the individual moves from mobile devices to desktop devices, from reading email to lengthy content, and even to content creation, their own best format should be available for their reading and writing via a profile.
Further, once an individual formats content with his own best text settings, and then sends the content, the content should arrive and be presented in the recipient’s best format, or default to a standard format.
There are many challenges in creating a personalized reading paradigm, from digital content to the availability of Readability Features and the standards required to support personalized reading.
The challenge is great, but the opportunity is significant. Read the full white paper here.