VSS 2020, Shaun Wallace

Individual Differences in Font Preference & Effectiveness as Applied to Interlude Reading in the Digital Age

Can we Accelerate Adult Reading?   At the June 2020 virtual Vision Science Society conference, Shaun Wallace presented the results of a collaboration between Brown University, Adobe, and the University of Central Florida. The team studied the impact of fonts on reading effectiveness with the goal of investigating individuation compared to the universality of fonts…


Tune Your Text, Be the Best Reader You Can Be

Adjust Readability Features to Improve Your Reading Outcomes   Many different audio signals can be adjusted for a better sound experience. In the same way, visual components of digital text format can be adjusted to create a better reading experience. Technology offers new opportunities for you as an individual to Tune Your Text. Adjust readability…

Hundred.org Readability Innovation page

Readability Matters, Now Live On HundrED.org

HundrED.org HundrED.org is a not-for-profit organization, which seeks and shares inspiring innovations in K12 education   Their goal is to help improve education and inspire a movement by encouraging pedagogically sound, ambitious innovations to spread across the world. HundrED researches innovations in K12 education from around the world. All of their insights and innovations are…