Register now for Adobe Max 2021

Readability Sessions Scheduled for Adobe MAX

Register Now For Adobe MAX 2021   Adobe has opened registration Adobe MAX 2021. It will be held October 26–28, 2021. And once again, it’s virtual and totally free. There will be over 100 live and on-demand sessions and collaborative projects and challenges for attendees to take part in. Confirmed speakers include Writer and Director…

SXSW EDU Session Videos Released

SXSW EDU Session Videos Released

Personalizing Reading: One Size Doesn’t Fit All   In America, only one-third of students read proficiently, and 54% of adults read below the sixth-grade level. Research shows individual reading perception is a key barrier: One text format does not fit all, especially when working across digital devices. At the 2021 SXSW EDU conference, Adobe’s Entrepreneur-in-Residence,…

Adobe for Education Summit - Digital Reading

Adobe For Education Summit

New Readability Research Panel at the Adobe for Education Summit Virtual and Free in 2021!   Join the Wednesday session to learn more about the latest readability research. Small changes to text formats can maximize an individual’s ability to read quickly and accurately, and comprehend more. Digital reading allows the shift from what is best…

ProLiteracy Conference 2021

ProLiteracy Conference 2021

Readability at ProLiteracy Join us in San Antonio!   The 2021 ProLiteracy Conference, September 20–22, 2021 Join adult literacy practitioners, teachers, tutors, managers, directors, board members, and students to learn new ideas and lead change in the adult literacy field. The ProLiteracy Conference on Adult Education features over 100 presentations and workshops that explore how…

Microsoft's New NLP-Based Reading Resource

An important First Step: Microsoft Announces NLP Based Reading Progress Resource

Tech Update New in Microsoft Teams: Reading Progress   Citing a recent study from Stanford illustrating the flattened growth of Oral Reading Fluency during the pandemic, Microsoft announced the launch of Reading Progress, a resource to help build opportunities for students and educators to get back on track with reading development.   “Reading Progress in Teams supports…

Skim, Dive, Surface: Teaching Digital Reading

Skim, Dive, Surface: Teaching Digital Reading

Skim, Dive, Surface: Teaching Digital Reading   Dr. Cohn’s book, Skim, Dive, Surface: Teaching Digital Reading was recently released, addressing digital reading and the spectrum of affordances available within digital learning environments. In her discussion of how to read deeply in digital spaces, she calls for readers to embrace a range of reading practices available to…

Dr. Jenae Cohn at DT&L: What's Next is Text

What’s Next is Text!

Digital Reading Expert, Dr. Jenae Cohn Distance Teaching and Learning Conference   Dr. Jenae Cohn will present at the Distance Teaching and Learning Conference this summer, discussing digital reading and the strategies that can improve the experience. The international Distance Teaching & Learning (DT&L) conference from the University of Wisconsin-Madison is fully online August 2-5,…

Fast Company World Changing Ideas 2021 Readability Matters

Fast Company Announces World Changing Ideas 2021 Winners

World Changing Ideas – From an Automated Beehive to Readability For All   Every year, Fast Company’s World Changing Ideas Awards honor the businesses and organizations driving change in the world. Showcasing some of the world’s most inventive entrepreneurs and companies tackling exigent global challenges, the awards were announced today, recognizing the businesses, policies, projects,…

Florida Literacy Conference - Readability for All: Fostering Adult Literacy Through Personalization

Florida Literacy Conference 2021

Readability for All: Fostering Adult Literacy Through Personalization   Highlighting the improved reading impacts delivered by readability changes, readability research results, and new tools, a team from Adobe and World Education presented at the Florida Literacy Conference. Rick Treitman, Entrepreneur in Residence, Adobe, kicked off the session with a review of the state of reading…