Fonts of Wider Letter Shapes Improve Recognition

Research Highlight: Fonts of Wider Letter Shapes Improve Letter Recognition

Small Font Changes can Make Significant Differences in Successfully Reading Digital Text   As more and more reading moves from print to digital surfaces, it is important to challenge typographic traditions established when most reading involved printed materials. There is little research about the impact of character width on letter recognition. Digital text is generally…

Society for the Scientific Study of Reading - Readability Posters

SSSR | Research Results: Improved Student Reading Speed and Comprehension

Personalized Reading Formats Studied in K-8 Students   Updated: August 30, 2022 Cross-disciplinary research teams delivered posters summarizing their readability research at the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (SSSR) annual meeting. The prestigious reading conference reports on all aspects of reading and its related areas, including issues related to word recognition, comprehension, writing,…

Personalized Font Recommendations: Combining ML and Typographic Guidelines to Optimize Readability

Personalized Font Recommendations with Machine Learning

Vision Scientists, Data Scientists, and Typographers Collaborate on New Readability Solutions   At the proceedings of DIS’22, the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS), Tianyuan Cai and his colleagues presented their latest research, Personalized Font Recommendations: Combining ML and Typographic Guidelines to Optimize Readability. The study is a collaboration between vision scientists, data…

Towards Individuated Reading Experiences: Different Fonts Increase Reading Speed for Different Individuals Wallace et al., 2022 - ACM TOCHI

Towards Individuated Reading Experiences

Individuated Reading Experiences Increase Reading Speed without Affecting Comprehension   Readability Matters obtained a pre-print of a forthcoming ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) paper. Shaun Wallace and his colleagues report that participants’ reading speeds (measured in words per minute – WPM) increased by 35% when comparing their fastest and slowest fonts without affecting reading…

Sneak Peek K-8 Student Readability Research

Sneak Peek: 20% Increase in Student Comprehension

Readability Formats Yield Significant Results for K-8 Students       Early Results Are In! At the Adobe for Education conference, educator Dr. Susanne Nobles (ReadWorks) presented initial results from the K-8 Readability research study launched last fall. Susanne, together with cognitive scientist Dr. Shannon Sheppard (Chapman University), type designer, professor WSR and researcher Dr.…


Readability Research: An Interdisciplinary Approach

“Readability Research: An Interdisciplinary Approach” is now available on arXiv!   “Readability Research: An Interdisciplinary Approach” is now available on arXiv, an archival preprint service. Twenty-eight different authors — from around the world and across many disciplines — collaborated to author a 60+ page intro to Readability research toward the goal of accelerating best practices…

Reading Needs Its Next Gutenberg Press The Next Wave in Reading Technology for Education, Employee Productivity and Beyond Marjorie Jordan and Kathy Crowley March 23, 2021

Reading Needs Its Next Gutenberg Press

The World Needs The Next Gutenberg Press Personalized Reading Formats Will Improve Reading Outcomes for Everyone, Everywhere   Readability Matters celebrates Dr. Clayton Christensen’s influential business ideas and his thought leadership in improving the world through disruptive innovation. Readability Matters posits that personalized reading formats are the next disruptive innovation in reading technology. The next generation…