Readability Matters is a tech-for-good nonprofit organization with the mission to engage an ecosystem of partners to deliver personalized reading environments, empowering everyone everywhere to achieve more.

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Building Better Reading in 2022

Personalization is the Foundation   We celebrate the engineers, researchers, scientists, educators who are all partnering to build better reading today. In 2021, researchers again demonstrated the importance of personalized reading formats; a cognitive scientist collaborating with a typographer and an educator used new methods to observe improvements in reading comprehension driven by small changes…

Aobe MAX: Creating Value with Personalized Readability Formats

Adobe MAX: Creating Value with Personalized Readability Formats

The Value of Typography and Text Personalization Readability Experts from Adobe, Google, and Typography for Good Now Available on Demand   Creating Value with Personalized Readability Formats Rick Treitman, Entrepreneur-in-Residence, Adobe Dave Crossland, Lead UX Programmes and Operations, Google Fonts Sam Berlow, The Readability Consortium One year ago, Adobe announced the readability initiative, which included…

Adobe MAX: One Font Doesn't Fit All Type Design and Comprehension

Adobe MAX: One Font Doesn’t Fit All: Type Design and Comprehension

Type Customization Impacts Student Comprehension Readability Researchers from Adobe, Chapman University, and the Royal Danish Academy Now Available on Demand   One Font Doesn’t Fit All: Type Design and Comprehension Zoya Bylinskii, Ph D. Research Scientist, Adobe Dr. Shannon Sheppard, Assistant Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Chapman University Dr. Sofie Beier, Professor WSR, Head of…

Readability Matters at SXSW EDU - Photo by Alexa Gonzalez Wagner

Readability Matters at SXSW EDU 2022

Personalized Reading Formats Make Better Readers   Readability Matters will be back at SXSW EDU. Join us in Austin as we share the stage with ReadWorks, Adobe, and the  University of Arizona to present insights from a new body of readability research that can inform the design of better learning applications. SXSW EDU announced the…

An Interview with Katie Arping, Arpin Academic Coaching

An Interview with Katie Arpin, Arpin Academic Coaching

Empowering Students with Executive Functioning and Readability Skills   Readability Matters sat down with Katie Arpin, an educator with 11 years of classroom experience. She specializes in literacy, has curriculum development experience, and holds master’s degrees from the Teacher’s College of Columbia University and Sacred Heart University. She told us she started teaching to empower…

Register now for Adobe Max 2021

Readability Sessions Scheduled for Adobe MAX

Register Now For Adobe MAX 2021   Adobe has opened registration Adobe MAX 2021. It will be held October 26–28, 2021. And once again, it’s virtual and totally free. There will be over 100 live and on-demand sessions and collaborative projects and challenges for attendees to take part in. Confirmed speakers include Writer and Director…

Vote Now SXSW EDU PanelPicker

Vote Now! Readability at SXSW EDU 2022

Personalized Reading Formats Make Better Readers A Readability SXSW EDU Panel   Help us get to Austin for SXSW EDU 2022! We would love to share the latest research and plans for using Personalized Reading Formats to improve educational outcomes. Vote for this important discussion on creating more equitable learning environments by August 26th. Description…